If you have someone to take care of your pet in your absence, but you need to guarantee financial resources for this person.

Pet Care for Life has a solution

Learn more about the Substitute Guardian plan​

The plan aims to guarantee financial resources so that someone you trust can take care of your pet if you are absent.

People who have a pet and have a substitute guardian to take care of he/she in the event of its death.

The substitute guardian appointed by the pet’s owner.

At the place of residence of the substitute guardian.

A person trusted by the pet’s owner who has the financial management capacity to administer the value of the life insurance compensation that will be received in the event of the pet’s owner death, so that it lasts as long as possible, preferably until the end of the pet’s life.

Food, health insurance, vaccinations, deworming, flea/tick/parasite treatment, hygiene (bathing and grooming), funds for medications and additional health expenses, burial or cremation of the pet.

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to protect your Pet

Watch Adriana de Arruda's messages

Financial Consultant at Ayla Finanças (@aila.financas)
about the Substitute Guardian

How to choose a substitute guardian

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How to use financial aid

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See the comparison between the plans
Lifetime Protection and Substitute Guardian

Substitute Guardian
Lifetime Protection
Who is it for?
People who have a substitute to care for their pet for life, but do not have the financial resources for care in the event of their death
People who DO NOT have a substitute to care for their pet for life, in the event of their death
Who will take care of the pet
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Where the pet will be cared for
Residence of the substitute guardian
At Pet Care for Life Base
Monthly payment amount
Smaller, because it DOES NOT consider the cost of housing and caregivers
Higher, as it takes into account the cost of housing and caregivers
Life insurance beneficiary
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Management of compensation paid by the Insurance Company (single payment)
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Financial guarantee of pet care for life
It will depend on how the substitute guardian will use the resources throughout the pet's life.
Pet Care for Life guarantees the use of financial resources throughout the pet's life.

The monthly payment amount varies according to the age of the guardian and the pet.

Necessary care when choosing
a good substitute guardian for your pet

Love for animals

Someone who loves pets will certainly be a good fit to become your substitute pet owner. Talk to them first to make sure that this person can take care of your pet.

Someone you can trust

The replacement guardian will be the person who will take care of the pet until the end of its life. Therefore, it is necessary for this person to be close to and trustworthy to the current guardian.

Be careful with finances

The substitute guardian must have a profile that manages financial resources well, since the financial guarantee received in the event of the death of the pet's guardian must be used exclusively for the pet's care and needs. Considering that as the pet ages, the expenses will increase.

Know our history

Diana Bueno, founding partner of Pet Care for Life, tells how the idea came about, to create a company focused on protecting pets for life, in case their owner is absent, starting operations in 2014 in Brazil, with Pet Assist

Also learn about the Lifetime Protection plan, the Pet Care for Life solution that takes care of your pet, in case you are away and do not have someone you trust to entrust with the care of your pet.