
Pet Care For Life was created with the purpose of ensuring Lifetime Protection to pets, avoiding mistreatment and abandonment, due to the death of the owner.

Discover Pet Care for Life's plans
to protect your pet

Lifetime Protection

Protect plan for people who DO NOT have a person to care for their pet for life, in the event of their death.


Substitute Guardian

Protect plan for people who have a substitute to care for their pet for life in the event of their death, but who need financial assistance to care for their pet.


Pet’s Owners Lifetime Protection

Protect your pet in case of any unforeseen event. Ensure your financial protection for the well-being and care of your pet.


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Your pet will have a new home at one of Pet Care for Life’s bases. Click here to learn more about Pet Care for Life’s Dog base.

The Pet Care for Life’s team will seek to replicate the same care that the owner provides to the pet. The owner is the one who informs the Pet Relationship and Management Platform, which has access to all the details about how their pet should be cared for after hiring.

Yes, visits can be made by prior appointment, every day of the week.

Yes. In the event of the owner’s death, a behavioral therapist will go to meet the pet to transport it to the base where it will reside and accompany it during the adaptation phase.

No. Pet Care for Life’s commitment to the owner is to maintain the pet’s quality of life, for its entire life, with Pet Care for Life as the new owner.

Yes, when the Pet Care for Life’s becomes the new pet’s guardian and lives in one of the bases. The pet owner will inform at the time of hiring whether the pet has special needs and what the additional monthly expenses will be. Veterinary expenses that occur throughout the pet’s life, especially as the pet ages, are also included.

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(954) 914-5997

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