A Professional Guardian to care for beloved pets for life in the event their owners pass away before they do.
Pet Care For Life protects and cares
for pets for their entire life.

Pet Care for Life was created with the purpose of guaranteeing Lifelong Protection for pets, preventing mistreatment and abandonment, due to the death of the owner.

Home Environment

A space is specially designed and planned to welcome dogs and cats.


We guarantee that the Pet receives food equal to what their were used to.

Veterinary Care

With veterinarians available 24 hours a day, we provide preventive care so that the Pet has a long and healthy life.

Get a quote now
to protect your Pet

At Pet Care for Life, your pet is cared for with all the love and attention it deserves. We try to replicate the same treatment that your pet received from its owner.


Arrival at the Home is accompanied by a professional specializing in animal behavior, as well as bring their belongings so that the Pet feels at home.


Pets will have their own individual accommodation, which is also designed to best replicate their previous home.

Routine Care

Design comparable routine for activities, food, sleep, coexistence with other animals, according to the instructions received from their owner.

Know Pet Care for Life chosen partner

Exclusive Pet Care for Life partner

See the comparison between the plans
Lifetime Protection and Substitute Guardian

Substitute Guardian
Lifetime Protection
Who is it for?
People who have a substitute to care for their pet for life, but do not have the financial resources for care in the event of their death
People who DO NOT have a substitute to care for their pet for life, in the event of their death
Who will take care of the pet
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Where the pet will be cared for
Residence of the substitute guardian
At Pet Care for Life Base
Monthly payment amount
Smaller, because it DOES NOT consider the cost of housing and caregivers
Higher, as it takes into account the cost of housing and caregivers
Life insurance beneficiary
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Management of compensation paid by the Insurance Company (single payment)
The substitute guardian
Pet Care for Life
Financial guarantee of pet care for life
It will depend on how the substitute guardian will use the resources throughout the pet's life.
Pet Care for Life guarantees the use of financial resources throughout the pet's life.

The monthly payment amount varies according to the age of the guardian and the pet.

Know our history

Diana Bueno, founding partner of Pet Care for Life, tells how the idea came about, to create a company focused on protecting pets for life, in case their owner is absent, starting operations in 2014 in Brazil, with Pet Assist

If you have someone to take care of your pet in your absence, but you need to guarantee financial resources for this person, Pet Care for Life also has a solution.