About Us

Our Story

The Pet Care For Life Corp solution was born in Brazil.  Founded by Diana Bueno in 2014 under the name of Pet Assist Servicos para Animais, the company was designed especially for people who did not have anyone to take care of their pets in case they passed away before the pet. Diana and current partner, veterinarian Aldo Macellaro Jr., came together in 2019 to offer an innovative solution that would guarantee the care and maintenance of beloved pets for a lifetime, with personalized care based on the pet owners’ wishes. As pet lovers and visionaries, Diana and Aldo are focused on protection, quality of life and guaranteeing the future of dogs and cats in the event of the premature death of their owners. 

Know our history

Diana Bueno, founding partner of Pet Care for Life, tells how the idea came about, to create a company focused on protecting pets for life, in case their owner is absent, starting operations in 2014 in Brazil, with Pet Assist
Diana Bueno, MBA
(Founding Partner | CEO)
Diana conceived the idea for the company from volunteer work she did at a dog private non-profit organization for dogs, where she saw the precarious structure and lack of financial resources to care for the pets. Aiming to avoid the mistreatment and abandonment that so often happen in death situations and having worked for more than 32 years with life insurance, she had the idea of directing insurance death benefit towards the care of pets for their entire lives, solving the financial problem for maintaining the pets’ well-being with the company Pet Care For Life Corp as the new guardian. 
Diana Bueno has more than 32 years’ experience in both the banking and insurance industries.  She holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Business Management and has received a Post-MBA certificate in Marketing and Leadership from the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago, US and a certificate in Leadership of Professional Services Companies from Harvard Business School in Boston, US.  She has worked in American, Spanish, Swiss, French, and Brazilian insurance companies. For more than 19 years, she held  positions including in Santander and Zurich Insurance companies. With deep knowledge in financial services and products, she directed her focus on the development of innovative types of insurance. 
Aldo Macellaro Jr. has more than 30 years of experience in veterinary medicine and 27 years of experience in boarding dogs.  He has been a consultant at UTILIVET veterinary innovations since 2010, prospecting for new business and contacts with the Brazilian market and abroad.  He has a Master Business Administration (MBA) in Business Management and is also Founder and CEO of Clube de Cãompo, a Pet Resort for dogs since 1996. 
The Pet Resort located outside São Paulo, Brazil, Clube de Cãompo, is the official base for the dogs of Pet Assist Serviços para Animais. With more than 140,000 square meters in the middle of nature, the resort offers pets high quality accommodation, with a specialized team and personalized treatment, including physical activities and entertainment. The locations chosen in United States will guarantee the same quality as Clube de Cãompo.
Aldo Macellaro Jr, DVM
(Partner Operational and Veterinarian | VP)

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(954) 914-5997

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